Artist in Residency: Fish Factory / Iceland

During my Artist in Residency stay in Iceland I had the opportunity to continue and further develop my project “The Individual Collective”, which I started in Finland (August 2020).

At the residency in Stöðvarfjörður I dealt more closely with the concept of community. Based on the perception of the individual, I wanted to create a connection between several individuals and thus create an image of collective perception. On the basis of interviews, I collected the interpretations of a total of fifteen participants and transformed them into digital works of art:

After the completion of the digital works, I devoted myself more intensively to one of the motifs in order to transport it onto paper as a multicolor print using the linoleum printing process. Using 3 linoleum plates, the finished linoleum print has finally manifested itself through the processing of a total of 13 layers and also gave inspiration for further experiments:

Inspired by the colorful and mythical nature of Iceland, I also created other small-format works beyond the project:

More information about my stay in Stöðvarfjörður with pictures and an interview about the project can be found in my article on the Fish Factory homepage.

In cooperation with and many thanks to:

Logo Kunsthilfe Salzburg
Logo Internationale Salzburg Association